Thanks for the Love!

Dear Readers,

Today started rainy and cloudy.  But unlike most stormy morning in the fall, there is a warm front blowing in from the south.  So it feels like spring out there!  Looks like its cold, but go outside and you peel off that coat you have been wearing for a couple of weeks!  Wonderful!

My morning inside started just as nice.  I got a wonderful email from a woman named Jean in Kentucky.  Here is what she wrote:

May God richly bless you all!! I am a 69 yr. old female from the beautiful state of Ky., sitting here with tears in my eyes because of the story that I just read on Hillary’s Eat Well site, of which I connected to from Food Babe’s site. The farming of veggies bring back so many memories! My siblings and I are in disagreement over the selling of our parents 175 acre farm which was previously owned by my maternal grandparents, so it has been in my family for as long as I can remember! Wish I could afford to buy it for reasons like this! The story of how your farm started is so heartwarming! Also, the fact that you do this on 10 acres is unbelievable! Wish I could come give each of you a BIG HUG!! Goodnight – Good Luck & stay warm this winter! May God’s Blessings be upon everyone there and may you continue to be very prosperous!

Isn’t that wonderful!  Thank you so much Jean!  You made our day.  It also gave us the opportunity to check out the blog post from Hilary’s Eat Well.  Becky and Maggie were just out here visiting and we had a wonderful time with them.  Their excitement and enthusiasm for the company they work for and for what we are growing for them is so great.  They are definitely people we are happy to be partners with.  Here is a link to Becky’s blog post, if you want to check it out.

Thank you everyone!
Esther and Family